Sunday, October 17, 2010


"Fringe science, also called questionable science, is scientific inquiry in an established field of study that departs significantly from mainstream or orthodox theories, and is classified in the 'fringes' of a credible mainstream academic discipline." -Wikipedia

What have I been doing over the past four days do you ask? Watching, or more correctly re-watching the television show Fringe, which is a science fiction show created by the brilliant J.J. Abrams and stars Joshua Jackson (our little boy crush Charlie Conway from the mighty, Mighty Duck trilogy and our boy Pacey Witter from our Saturday afternoon favourite, Dawson's Creek.

Fringe episodes consist of agent Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv) and Peter Biship (Joshua Jackson) frolicking about to uncover cases of fringe science with the assistance of the an entire FBI team and with the help of Peters father Walter Bishop (John Noble). Each episode follows them around, always ending up in Walter's lab in the basement of Harvard University doing some sort of odd experiment which leads to more questions for the viewers at the end of each episode.

So far, I understand almost nothing, yet I chose to rewatch the series as it is one of the most interesting and captivating shows I have ever watched on television (much more exciting then LOST, yet similar in viewer intrigue as J.J. was a writer of both).

Most episodes don't allow space for laughs (it is a science fiction show), however, due to the fact that Walter Bishop is missing 3 parts of his brain, there is always a little space for some mischief, which keeps the show interesting (for me at least). For some Walter humour check out this link :

There are few shows that I feel the need to turn people onto, however Fringe would be at the top of the list for science fiction shows. If you want suggestions towards other good television series give me a shout.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Are you flame retardant?

Today's daily dawdle was red heads.

Why? Well, why not? That is what I was thinking about.

Not a long post today because I don't have much to say on the topic other then ginger people are like boogiemen, their sightings are rare yet interesting, and you almost wish they didn't exist.

Check out South Park's "Ginger Kids" episode which is season 9 episode 11.

For another good laugh check out the guys from Fun Time Internet (a Toronto based comedy troop) video called Street Meet: Ginger Pride here:

Going to get some orange juice (vitamin c people! I am still sick)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Simpsons

Today, I am sick, being sick I could not be bothered with any type of homework assignment or dog watching, so like any kid I caught up on missed episodes of The Simpsons. Yes, I have known for years that this show never fails to make me laugh, but today, I was blessed with the best line of all, thus proving that The Simpsons writing team is better then ever and are back with something to prove. If you want to know what I am talking about, do check out the link below, you will not be disappointed.